Systemic Team Coaching vs Executive Coaching: What's The Difference?
It has been shown that individual one-to-one coaching provides a much needed safe, confidential space for leaders to take their thinking forward on the challenges they face. They are able to use the space to enhance their performance through reflection and identify actions that will enable them to deliver the desired outcomes. However, given the systemic nature of the challenges faced in recent years there is need to move beyond building individual competence and capability to work at team levels with a ‘systemic’ lens to effectively address the challenges. This is about connecting what is currently dis-connected in the system to deliver results as individual leaders are operating within a complex system and not in a vacuum. This is where a systemic team coaching methodology is valuable as it takes into account the complex interactions between individuals and the wider systems within which they operate.
Systemic Team Coaching: A more effective approach to delivering results
Systemic team coaching raises performance by clarifying team purpose, improving ways of working and the quality of relationships – both within the team and with key stakeholders. Teams do not work in isolation but serve the needs of others inside and outside an organisation. It is not enough to bring together great individuals to have an effective team. They need to work together, with a shared intent to generate value in the context of their organisation.
Research and experience demonstrate a few characteristics of inclusive, high performing teams. These are a clear collective purpose (‘shared endeavour’); agreed objectives which are aligned to the needs of all stakeholders and a recognition that these can only be achieved through effective team collaboration. Real value is created when these foundations are converted into transforming the relationships with all the team’s stakeholders and a focus on the team constantly learning and adapting. Team performance is a continuing process, not a destination.
We partner with clients, no matter what stage of development the team is at to facilitate the process of raising performance, and value-creation of the team. As with one-to-one coaching it is not a prescriptive approach but there is an overall framework to guide the process. The work starts where the team is at and draws on a full range of tools and techniques, that enables the team to identify and address their challenges in service of the ‘shared endeavour’ so that the sum of the team is greater than the individual contributions.
It encompasses interpersonal dynamics and grows mutual accountability and interdependence in delivering the ‘shared endeavour,’ so that all team members take responsibility for effective, collective leadership. Systemic Team Coaching provides the lens that enables everyone in the team to identify what is currently disconnected in the system that needs to be connected to enhance impact. It is a process that grows the capacity of the team to manage their own effectiveness going forward and the capacity for team members to make a greater contribution to other teams they work in.
Practical Benefits of System Team Coaching
Some of the most important benefits of systemic team coaching for leaders and organisations include:
1. Improved team performance
As teams grow in size and complexity, the systemic team coaching methodology can help teams improve performance by focusing on the complex interactions between team members and their environment.
2. A greater understanding of team dynamics
The systemic team coaching approach helps leaders better understand team dynamics enabling better decision-making to improve the performance of the team.
3. Enhanced team communication
The systemic team coaching approach helps team members communicate more effectively enabling them to resolve conflict constructively in service of better decision-making.
4. Increased trust and understanding
The systemic team coaching approach enables team members to build trust and understanding with each other leading to higher performance.
5. Improved team morale
With improved communication, building trust and ability to resolve conflict constructively there is improved team morale resulting in enhanced impact.
Enhance Your Team Dynamics with Systemic Team Coaching
If you're looking for a new and improved way to coach your team, look no further than RKB Coaching Consultancy. Our experienced coaches will partner with you to enhance team performance by using the systemic team coaching methodology.
We offer a wide range of services designed to help teams improve their performance and enhance their impact by focusing on the team dynamics and not just individual performance.
We look forward to hearing from you to discuss how we can help you enhance the impact of your team in delivering results.